Jewish News: An Appeal for Coach Marvin Daniel Levy to Rejoin the Buffalo Bil….

The guardian news:  Invitation to Return A Letter to Coach Marvin Daniel Levy from the Buffalo Bill.

Marv Levy comes back to Buffalo, because ... you know the rest

We hope this letter finds you well. As the Buffalo Bills organization, we are writing to extend an invitation that holds great significance to us. It is with utmost sincerity and respect that we reach out to you today.

Marv Levy says he would come back and coach the Bills; He is 91 years old

Over the years, your name has become synonymous with excellence, leadership, and the indomitable spirit of football. Your tenure with the Buffalo Bills stands as a testament to your remarkable coaching abilities, your unwavering dedication to the game, and the profound impact you’ve had on countless lives within our organization and beyond.

ESPN 30 for 30 - Hurting after the loss, Coach Marv Levy recalled a poem that would represent the Buffalo Bills. #FourFallsofBuffalo | Facebook

Coach Levy, your legacy with the Bills transcends mere statistics and wins. It embodies the very essence of what it means to be a leader, a mentor, and a pillar of strength for those around you. Your contributions have left an indelible mark on our franchise, shaping not only the team’s identity but also the hearts and minds of fans across the globe.

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With that in mind, it is with the utmost humility and gratitude that we extend this invitation to you: the opportunity to return to the Buffalo Bills family. We recognize that circumstances may have led you away from our sidelines, but our admiration and appreciation for your unparalleled expertise remain unwavering.

Marv Levy comes back to Buffalo, because ... you know the rest

In extending this invitation, we envision not just a reunion of coach and team, but a renewal of the bond that has always defined our shared journey. Your wisdom, experience, and passion for the game are invaluable assets that we believe can continue to propel the Buffalo Bills to new heights of success and achievement.






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